Just want to start of today's TOP 10 book confessions off with a sorry that I didn't post this yesterday. O.K so today I'm very very very excited to have YA author Tammara Webber. I love her series Between The Lines!!!!!! ENJOY
I've owned a hardback copy of War and Peace for 20 years, and have yet to read it. (It looks good on my shelf, though!)
I didn't read Jane Austen until my late twenties. I started with Pride and Prejudice, fell in love with her genius, and read all six novels in succession in about two weeks.
My favorite book as a child was Go Dog, Go by P.D. Eastman. I read it until the cover literally fell off... and then I kept reading it. I still have that book.
I had a huge crush on Michael York after watching his portrayal of d'Artagnon in The Three Musketeers on television when I was 12 or 13. I may have been the only kid in Texas who ran out and bought the book. I had to wait a couple of years before my reading ability caught up to my desire to read it.
The reason I began writing young adult novels was The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen. The love story is, in my opinion, absolutely perfect in pace and character development, with just the right blend of humor, sorrow, angst and romance.
When my husband and I were first married, I would pick a romance novel and he would read it to me, 2-3 chapters every night, until we finished. We were teenagers. There was something magical about being out of our parents' houses, in our own little apartment and our very own bed, reading such naughty stuff. That's one of my best memories of our first couple of years together.
My mother wouldn't let my brother and me see Star Wars when it came out. She thought it was too violent. So I bought the book (which was ghost-written by Alan Dean Foster) and read it first. Twice. Most of my friends had seen the movie multiple times by the time I was allowed to go.
I knew by 9th grade that I was weird when it came to books. We were assigned Great Expectations to read over a six-weeks. I loved it so much I finished it the first weekend, and then reread it slowly with everyone else, silently enduring my classmates' complaints about how boring it was and how they couldn't get through the three chapters or so we had to finish each week.
I read both the Harry Potter series (6 of 7 books out) and the Twilight series (all books out) with my youngest son. I'd read one and pass it to him until we finished. He was ten when we read HP and fourteen when we read Twilight. His favorite part of the Twilight saga was Jacob's narration, and he was incensed that Meyers cut out "the good part" in Breaking Dawn. He was also dissatisfied at the ending - he wanted a bloody, Volturi-slaughtering battle.
I've read Leaving Paradise by Simone Elkeles more times than I've ever read anything else. It's just a compulsion. I probably have parts of it memorized and stored somewhere in my brain.
A big thank-you too Tammara for sharing her TOP 10 book confessions
Please go like Tammara's FB page & Blog http://tammarawebber.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/#!/TammaraWebberAuthor
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