Here are my top 10 book confessions, in no particular order.
When I first read The Lord of the Rings, I kept skipping to scenes with Legolas in them.
It was a book called The Circle and The Cross by Caisel Mor that made me want to be a writer. I had such an author crush, I even sent an email to him, and he actually responded!
Lost Souls by Poppy Z Brite is the first and only book I've ever read and then immediately reread. Loved it. I've since read it at least once a year.
Biggest book character crush? Definitely Ghost from Lost Souls. I'd wish they'd turn it into a movie.
For two years I spent all my pocket money collecting The Sandman graphic novel series by Neil Gaiman. I have never and will never lend them anyone, not even to my closest friends. Most volumes are still in their plastic sleeves on my shelf. They're precious.
I read the complete Twilight series in 10 days and actually enjoyed it (at the time while engrossed) - something I will vehemently deny if ever asked. I think temporary insanity is the only explanation for it.
If I discover a movie is based on a book after seeing the movie, I feel cheated. I'm a little obsessive, preferring to read the book before seeing the film adaptation.
Although I absolutely loved the novel Stardust by Neil Gaiman (who is my favourite author by far), I actually think the movie was better.
The Sandman dust covers by Dave McKean are by far some of my favourite book covers. I also really like the consistency of style with the covers for Cassandra Clare's The Mortal Instruments series.
As a little girl, I loved Gary Paulsen's books even though they're 'boy' books. Major tween crush on Brian Robeson and Brennan Cole.
A big big thank you to Suzanne for taking part. Please go check out her bolg and facebook page!!!!
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