Top Ten Book Confessions
1. My mom claims I could read at three. I think I was just a good memorizer, but I have no memory of learning to read...I've had my nose in a book since I was a little kid!
2. My parents used to 'punish' me by cutting off reading time/funds! They claim they felt awful doing it, but it was the only thing that got me super upset.
3. I read Eloisa James's *Kiss Me, Annabel,* and she mentioned using carrot straining to color butter. I wrote Ms. James (who is lovely and wonderful) an email asking if she picked up the detail from the Little House on the Prairie series (Ma Ingalls does this), and she had! She had just read them with her daughter!
4. The night I finished *Twilight,* I was waiting in the driveway, in my pajamas with my daughter on my hip for my husband to get home. I made him take me to three stores IN MY PAJAMAS to look for *New Moon.* (Sadly, I had to wait almost a WEEK at that point to get it!!)
5. I'm so obsessed with Marcus Flutie, the ex-druggie genius with a heart of gold in Megan McCafferty's Jessica Darling series that I once made my husband a 'You. Yes. You.' t-shirt so I could pretend he was my to-die-for literary love! (I LOVE making iron-on t-shirts!)
6. I've never read any Harry Potter books, BUT it's because I have a plan. I want to wait until my daughter is Harry's age when the series starts and read them with her!
7. I I have read most of the Little House books with my daughter. When Jack, their faithful dog, died, she and I were sobbing so hard, my husband almost had a panic attack.
8. I used to hide in the overhead and read books when I worked at Home Depot, then say I was counting inventory.
9. I have an eye problem that means I have no fine depth perception. I used to feel really terrible about it until I read this book by a woman who had the same problem. She said the vast majority of people with this problem have serious problems reading and never develop a love of books. I felt such immediate relief that I never had that problem, because when I try to imagine a life without reading, it actually makes my heart ache.
10. My husband doesn't read at all. When our daughter was born, he promised to read to her every night, and I often put her laundry away or straighten her room while he reads to her because I think it's the most gorgeous, amazing thing I could imagine listening to! (And she LOVES when her daddy reads to her...he even has 'favorite' kid books now!)
I love all of Liz's Book confessions and hope you enjoyed them to. GO follow Liz on her blog http://elizabethreinhardt.blogspot.com/ and like her FB page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Liz-Reinhardt/273806945978154