Sixteen-year-old Yara Silva has always known that ghosts walk alongside the living. Her grandma, like the other females in her family, is a Waker, someone who can see and communicate with ghosts. Yara grew up watching her grandmother taunted and scorned for this unusual ability and doesn't want that to be her future. She has been dreading the day when she too would see ghosts, and is relieved that the usually dominant Waker gene seems to have skipped her, letting her live a normal teenage life. However, all that changes for Yara on her first day at her elite boarding school when she discovers the gene was only lying dormant. She witnesses a dark mist attack Brent, a handsome fellow student, and rushes to his rescue. Her act of heroism draws the mist's attention, and the dark spirit begins stalking her. Yara finds herself entrenched in a sixty-year-old curse that haunts the school, threatening not only her life, but the lives of her closest friends as well. Yara soon realizes that the past she was trying to put behind her isn't going to go quietly.
Intrinscal is a book treasure and worth it's weight in gold and diamonds with a totaly kick ass cover that I adore. From the prologue this book had it's grip on me and would not let go until the awesome ending. When I started reading Intrinsical I thought it was just going to be another ghost story but it was so much more than that which was such a nice change. What i loved most about this story is i just could not tell what was going to happen next and how the story was going to play out. The characters -Yara is amazing. Really well written and beliveable and likeable as a character. -Brent had me loving him from the start of the book -Cherie & Steve are both great characters.Cherie is the BFF every girl wants also I loved how open minded Steve seems to be. Favourite parts -How both Yara and Brent's family's all had a history at Pendrell. -When Brent makes it snow for Yara.(so cute) -The way Yara wanted to save Brent before herself and he wanted to do the same thing for her. Parts that made me cry -when Yara & Brent's song played on the radio. -the scence when Yara is saying goodbye to Cherie in the pool house. Intrinsical is a must read for any YA fan. I really cant wait to where Lani Woodland takes this series next.What I would love to see in the 2nd book more about Vovo Yara's grandma. Loads more of Brent(a must). More ghost's and another beautiful cover. I really can't wait to read the follow up to this Amazing book.
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