Today on TOP 10 book confessions we have Kayleigh from K-Books. ENJOY!!!!
1. Favourite Cover
This was so difficult because there are so many stunning covers out there. One of my all time favourite covers that I just can’t stop staring at is Cursed by Jennifer L Armentrout. I saw this cover ages ago and I cannot wait to read it. That was my instant reaction when I saw it. It’s definitely a cover that says Read Me!
2. Favourite Childhood Book
Anything by Roald Dahl. I loved his books when I was younger and I read them all over and over again. If I had to choose one it would be The BFG, I just loved that book and I know I could pick it up today and love it just as much.
3. Favourite Genre
I have so many favourite genres, right now I love Dystopian and Sci-Fi books but I also love Mythology, Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy and Contemporary Romance. It really depends on what mood I’m in to what kind of book I will read.
4. Books You Read but Don’t Admit.
I read many factual books. I really love Psychology books. It’s very fitting since I am doing a degree is Psychology. I hate reading text books because they are just boring but when you get actual books that have all the facts in without it being a text book, I love them and find them fascinating.
5. Guilty Secret Series.
The Blue Bloods Series by Melissa de la Cruz. I am not a massive fan of these books and I don’t really think they are really that good but I keep reading them anyway so they are definitely my guilt secret, I don’t particularly like them all that much but I still keep reading them.
6. Favourite Book Quotes
“Don’t be afraid to fall in love again. Open your heart and follow where it leads you… and remember, shoot for the moon…”
- Cecelia Ahern, PS, I Love You
“Nobody looks good in their darkest hours. But those are the hours that make is what we are.”
- Karen Marie Moning, Faefever
“I’ve always found that the most beautiful people, truly beautiful inside and out, are the ones who are quietly unaware of their effect… The ones who throw their beauty around, waste what they have? Their beauty is only in passing. It’s just a shell hiding nothing but shadows and emptiness.”
- Jennifer L Armentrout, Obsidian
7. Favourite Book Boyfriend
Favourite book boyfriend at the moment has to be Daemon Black from Obsidian. I read Obsidian in October last year and I just fell in love with him. I love his cockiness and his attitude towards Katy. He is the only book boyfriend who has stayed my favourite after months of reading other books.
8. Favourite Lead Male
Aiden from Covenant series by Jennifer L Armentrout. I love him. He’s a total tough guy who fights to protect but he also has the softer side of him where he will do anything to protect the ones that he loves. The perfect Lead Male for me.
9. Favourite Lead Female
Alex from Covenant series by Jennifer L Armentrout. You had to know that was coming right? I love her, she’s such a great kick-ass heroine who will do whatever is takes to protect everyone but also has a vulnerable side to her. She is just amazing and I love how she is so brave and puts a brave front on for everyone. She’s a brilliant lead female character.
10. Favourite Couple
Daemon and Katy from Obsidian by Jennifer L Armentrout. I love their relationship, I think it’s just so hilarious and most of the way through this book I was in fits of giggles at them. I think it’s such a great realistic relationship where you can tell they really like each other but are constantly throwing insults at each other. It’s such a brilliant relationship.
A big thank-you to Kay for taking part go follow/like her on her twitter, fb page & blog!!!!!!!
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